Women's refuge Hannover 0511 / 664477
Are you battered, abused, humilated or emotional oppressed by your husband, your boyfriend or your family? Does he threaten your life and threatens to abduct your children? Do you often think you can't take it any more? Did you ever wanted to leave but you didn't know where to go to?A women's refuge is a place, where you and your children will find help and shelter - day and night. The women's refuge is open to all women. We help you to start a new life without violance.
We offer individual supporting for children in the women's refuge. We give you first advices and information in a telephone call and also tell you, how to get here.
If you are still uncertain if you want to split up: We also offer advice and counselling within a short period of time.
If possible, please bring the following items:
Passport, identity papers, insurance card, birth certifcate, money, bank account, medicine, clothes for you and your children, school material, cuddly toy.
Please remember: The most important thing is your safety!